
148th Preakness Stakes (G1) TV Flash Quotes

Winning trainer Bob Baffert (National Treasure): “This business is twists and turns, ups and downs. We started out great, we had a horrible race and we’ve been totally wiped out after that horse [Havnameltdown] got hurt. The emotions of this game, there’s so many responsibilities a trainer has, employees, horse and jockey safety, and then to win this … Losing that horse today really hurt. I’m very happy for Johnny that he got the win. It’s been a very emotional day. I love Pimlico. I love Baltimore. I love these horses. We get to spend time together as a team. I’ve got a great staff. [Assistant trainer] Jimmy [Barnes] has been here all week. This horse deserved it.”

Winning jockey John Velazquez (National Treasure): “Gosh, it’s been a while. With all the blessings that I’ve had and all the success I’ve had in other races, not having won this one was definitely missing. It’s very special to have it. Looking at the pace I didn’t we were going to go any faster than [we did]; I was hoping, anyway. The other horse that was right next to me it seemed like he was not going that fast so I was hoping we didn’t go too fast. At least we had something to fight with.”

Winning co-owner Sol Kumin, Madaket Stables (National Treasure): “It’s awesome. It’s awesome. It’s a great group of partners. I’m really happy for Bob, really happy for Johnny, really happy for this group. It’s exciting to see your colors at a place like this.”

Winning co-owner Robert Masterson (National Treasure): “This is just fantastic. It’s fun to have great partners and win a race like this.”

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