Race Information


Live Racing Begins May 31st
Racing May 31st - August 18th

Live Racing:
Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays

Post Time:
12:25pm | Post Time for the Summer Meet

American Racing Channel full and partial card simulcasts offered to most live race days.
Click here to see ARC monthly calendar for complete details.
1/ST is committed to the care and safety of the horses who race and train at our tracks and training centers and is equally committed to a horse’s care beyond their racing careers. 1/ST Aftercare Liaisons are dedicated to working with owners, trainers, and accredited aftercare organizations to assist with the safe and productive transition to second careers for horses who are no longer racing.

If a horse is found to be in an unsafe situation, 1/ST Aftercare Liaisons will alert former racing connections and work together to come up with a safe transition for that horse.

Maryland Jockey Club VP Racing – Georganne Hale georganne.hale@marylandracing.com