Formful Stronach 5 Returns $294

Formful Stronach 5 Returns $294

LAUREL, MD – There were no surprises in Friday’s Stronach 5, but lots of winners. In fact, there were 300 winning tickets each worth $294.50.
The Stronach 5 featured races from Laurel Park, Gulfstream Park and Golden Gate Fields with a $100,000 guaranteed pool and industry-low 12-percent takeout.
Laurel Park’s seventh race kicked off Friday’s Stronach 5 sequence, won by favorite Girl Next Door ($3.60). The remainder of the sequence produced little in the way of surprises with no winner paying more than $7.80 and the final leg at Golden Gate Fields producing an even-money winner in Surface ($4.20).
Friday’s races and sequence
  • Leg One – Laurel Park 7th Race: Girl Next Door $3.60
  • Leg Two –Laurel Park 8th Race: Foggy Dreams $7.80
  • Leg Three –Gulfstream Park 9th Race: Yafa $3
  • Leg Four –Laurel Park 9th Race: Tastes Like Plaid $7.60
  • Leg Five –Golden Gate Fields 3rd race: Surface $4.20
Fans can watch and wager on the action at 1/ST.COM/BET as well as stream all the action in English and Spanish at, and
The Stronach 5 In the Money podcast, hosted by Jonathan Kinchen and Peter Thomas Fornatale, will be posted by 2 p.m. Thursday at and will be available on iTunes and other major podcast distributors.
The minimum wager on the multi-race, multi-track Stronach 5 is $1. If there are no tickets with five winners, the entire pool will be carried over to the next Friday.
If a change in racing surface is made after the wagering closes, each selection on any ticket will be considered a winning selection. If a betting interest is scratched, that selection will be substituted with the favorite in the win pool when wagering closes.
The Maryland Jockey Club serves as host of the Stronach 5.